Fun Fortune Cookie Fortunes...
- Believe in yourself and you will succeed.
- Be on the alert for new opportunities.
- Act as if it we impossible to fail.
- If you keep to busy learning the tricks of the trade, you may never learn the trade.
- One must know that there is a path at the end of the road.
- Apply your imagination to any problem that arises.
- Leadership is action, not position.
- Whatever your life's work is, do it well.
- A new romance is in the future.
- You will be successful in your career.
- When you do make a mistake, do not trust yourself as if thought you were the mistake. (Typo in original fortune.)
- You are a person of culture. Cultivate it.
- You have many special gifts, go experiment with them!
- Relations are like investments. The more you put in, the greater your return.
- Friends long absent are coming back to you.
- I am always doing that which I cannot do in order that I may learn how to do it.
- You will soon achieve perfection.
- Today is an ideal time to water your personal garden.
- You will be successful beyond your wildest imagination.